Headteacher's Welcome
Wishing you a warm welcome to the Lordship Farm School website.
Lordship Farm is a well-established, outward looking, aspirational two-form entry primary school in North Hertfordshire. The school, and it’s caring team of staff, provide a supportive, positive, challenging and stimulating curriculum that encourages all children to grow as individuals and to aspire to be the best that they can be. We aim for every child to experience success at Lordship farm and understand that every child is different. Our core values of Kindness, Respect, Safety, Ambition and Connected, underpin everything that we expect from every stakeholder within our school community.
We aim to inspire every child, regardless of any barriers to learning, to engage in the learning journey. We are highly inclusive in our approach (but are always looking for further ways to improve). We teach children to make brave decisions, self-regulate and to have high expectations for their future impact on the world, through both their words and their actions.
Our core values are entwined with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, our British Values and our Eco-friendly approach. Skills and knowledge are taught carefully and through a spiral curriculum that includes practical study, experiential learning and build’s children’s cultural capital. Our rich curriculum allows us to show children that their one voice can make a difference to the ever-changing world. By teaching them about people who have made a difference in the fields of the humanities, medicine, science, mathematics, the environment, engineering and beyond we hope to equip them with the skills to be lifelong learners and influencers of positive change.
Children progress rapidly throughout their primary years, socially, academically and in their maturity. Whilst we need to prepare them for the next stage in their educational journey we are careful not to lose sight of the fact that they need to be able to be children!
Childhood is about learning to be open to the world and about learning to learn from the choices that we make. Our pupils do make mistakes, they do, at times, fall out with friends, make unsociable behaviour choices and most children go through a tricky time at some point in their school career. Our team, including teachers, teaching assistants, pastoral, SENCOs and my leadership team are here to support you and your child through these times.
We are also there to celebrate with them when they start learning to read, show kindness to someone in their class, demonstrate resilience and perseverance with their class work or go the extra-mile with an out of school activity. You will see this through our open afternoons, performances, class assemblies, carol concerts and when you wave them off for trips to London museums, residentials in the Forest of Dean or even when you watch them hold down the responsibility of manning a stall at the summer fete!
I look forward to meeting and working with you throughout the course of your child’s journey at Lordship Farm.
Kind Wishes
Mrs J Petitt