Contact Details & Opening Times
Lordship Farm Primary School
Letchworth Garden City
Hertfordshire SG6 3UF
Telephone: (01462) 620550 Fax: (01462) 623133
Office contact: Mrs Z Hornby
New Parents Contact E-mail:
The School Office is open from 8.30 am until 4 pm - Monday to Friday, (during term time) to answer all of your queries.
Current Parents contacting teachers:
SENCO: Hollie Doutre (KS1) & Jaspal Kandola (KS2) - E-mail:
Pastoral E-mail:
DPO: Zia Hornby
The school day runs from 8.45am until 3.15pm. The school gates open in the morning at 8.35am and pupils must be in their classrooms, seated and ready to learn by 8.45am when the gates close.
We can support you with all aspects of your child’s schooling e.g.
- Admissions
- Absence requests
- Free school meals
- Milk and fruit for children
- Music tuition
Please feel free to telephone us and ask to speak to Mrs Hornby, Mrs Williams or Mrs Swart if you have any questions. Mrs Hornby will be able to support you with any general questions and Mrs Williams with finance related queries.